Please join us in welcoming the below students who have joined Berkshire Martial Arts in the past month!
Anita Puthran
Mervin Manish
Mia Manish
New Website and Student Area
As mentioned in last month's newsletter and in emails since, we have a new student area set up on our new look website. All students, or at least one member from each household, should register for an account on the website as it is now the only way to view curriculum documents, find a link to the club store, access newsletters and most importantly book spaces on classes (see below).

To register for an account click the "log in" button on the menu bar. Once you've created an account and logged in you can click the arrow icon on the menu bar to pull up the studetn area navigation menu.

Hall Changes
It's that time of the year again and exams will be taking place in the sports hall at Brakenhale School for the next 8 weeks. As a result we will be moving to the Drama studio for Wednesday classes and using the Movement Studio for Saturday classes.
The first class affected by the hall changes will be Saturday 13th May and the final class in the smaller halls will be Wednesday 5th July. As with the last couple of exam periods we will be introducing a booking system during this period and restricting class sizes to 20 so that everyone can train safely in the smaller halls. We will also be changing class times on Wednesday's to create more capacity.
6:15pm - Students aged 12 and under only (45 minutes)
7pm - Family class, all ages and abilities (1 hour)
8pm - Family class, all ages and abilities (1 hour)
Details of how to book your space in classes can be found below.

Class Booking System
As we've done previously there will be a strict booking system in place during the exam period and class sizes will be restricted to 20 places so that everyone can train safely in the smaller halls.
- All students and leadership team members need to book their class places in advance.
- Assistant Instructors are not required to book in advance.
- Class places available to book are limited to 20 people.
- If you do not book a place in the class, and it is full, then you will not be allowed to attend the class.
- If you do not book a place in the class, but there are places available, you will be permitted to attend class, this will be on a first come, first served basis until the class is filled.
- Places in classes can not be booked earlier than 14 days before the class takes place.
- If you book a place in a class but are unable to attend then you must cancel your booking before the class is due to start.
- Reminder emails will be sent 24 hours before a booking to give students plenty of time to cancel if needed.
- Failure to cancel a booking will result in a 7 day ban from attending class as you will have prevented other students from using your space.
To book a place in class:
- Log in to the Berkshire Martial Arts website.
- Click the "Book a Class" option from the Student Area menu.
- Select whether you wish to book an "Under 12's" or "Family" class and complete the form.
- You will receive a confirmation email of your booking.
The new student area makes booking places in classes easier than ever before. When booking classes a lot of details will already be completed for you on the booking form. You can also now select the number of people you are booking spaces for, so one person can book spaces for the whole household, rather than each individual having to book their own place in class. If you need to review your bookings you can do so by clicking the "My Bookings" option on the Student Area menu.
Women's Self Defence Class
The next women's self defence classes are:
- 9am, Sunday 28th May, Brakenhale School. CURRENTLY FULLY BOOKED.
- 9am, Sunday 25th June, Brakenhale School. Currently just 7 places remaining.
These classes are open to all women regardless of whether or not they are a Berkshire Martial Arts student. The classes cost £10 per person but Berkshire Martial Arts students can use the code BMALADIES to receive a 30% discount.
What's on?
If you have any upcoming events or activities you'd like to make Berkshire Martial Arts students aware of please email the details over to jason@berkshiremartialarts.co.uk and we will add it to the next newsletter.
Night Out
Robert Hull is looking to arrange another night out for the Berkshire Martial Arts adults. Date is yet to be confirmed (but likely in May) Oakingham Belle in Wokingham. People can just join for drinks if they'd like or have a meal too. If there ends up being a large group then the venue may ask for a deposit.
If you're interested in attending please contact Mr Hull at robertrhull@hotmail.com or via WhatsApp on 07734 936771.
Anita Puthran would like to let you all know the Circus is coming to Bracknell on Friday, 2nd of June!
St. Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School invites you, your family and friends to join this special event featuring Acrobats, Aerialists, Illusions, Speciality Acts, Clowns, Audience Participation, loads of Fun and much, much more!
Tickets: Early Bird Ticket prices are £12 per person (under 2s are free as they sit on the lap): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/smc-presents-happys-circus-tickets-525956930337?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Info is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/778705550534810
New Belt Ranks!
Congratulations to all the below students who successfully passed their latest grading and received their new belt ranks
Top Attendance!
Well done to the below students with the highest attendance last month.
Juniors - Under 13 years old
Seniors - Over 13 years old
Korean Terminology
The words for this months’ Korean terminology challenge can be found below. Little Ninja students need to learn these words in Korean and repeat them correctly to a Chief Instructor to receive a terminology stamp. Only one stamp per month. If you do not have a terminology sheet one can be found in the "documents & forms" section of the student portal. This month’s words are:
- Knifehand Strike
- Front Inwards Punch
- Side Kick
This Month's Grading
This month's colour belt grading will be held on Sunday 28th May at Brakenhale School. Further details will be provided to eligible students the week before the grading . However, the day will run to the approximate schedule below:
9am - Ladies Self Defence Class
10am - Black Belt Academy Class
11am-1pm - Colour Belt/Tag Grading(s)
All names below are eligible to grade this month and should have received an email confirming their eligibility. Please check your spam/junk folders if you have not received your email.
Grading Names