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February 2024 Newsletter

Please join us in welcoming the below students who have joined Berkshire Martial Arts in the past month!

Freddie-Jay Soley

Frank Roberts

Aaron Biju

Adona Biju

Angelitta Biju

Leonor Soares

Evie Bartaby

Finlay Bartaby


Date Changes

The dates of the exams at Brakenhale have been pushed back by a week (details below) which means our 10th Anniversary celebrations will now be on Saturday 9th March.


10 Year Anniversary

2024 marks 10 years since we opened our doors! We have plenty planned for next year to celebrate this amazing anniversary, including:

  • A special commemorative gift for all students

  • Limited edition 10th anniversary uniform

  • Keep you diary free for special classes on our anniversary weekend of Saturday 9th March 2024

  • More details to come!


10th Anniversary Limited Edition T-Shirts - ORDER NOW!

As part of our 10th anniversary celebrations we are releasing a special edition uniform T-shirt which will only be available to purchase this year. The T-shirt features our special 10th anniversary logo on the chest, a large logo on the back and another 10 year logo on the right sleeve.

We are taking orders for these limited edition t-shirts now until February 10th so that we receive them ahead of our anniversary event on March 9th. The t-shirts are 100% polyester just like our premium t-shirts and have wicking properties to draw moisture away from the skin. The T-shirts are available in student, leadership and assistant instructor colours and cost £22 for kid sizes and £25 for adults.

To order your T-shirt please complete the below order form:

After this initial order the T-shirts will be available to purchase in the Club Store through out 2024 but they will be more expensive and will not contain the design on the right sleeve.

Please note: These T-shirts are made to order, as a result we cannot offer refunds or exchanges so please ensure your order the correct size.


Hall Changes

Exams will be taking place in the sports hall at Brakenhale School for 3 weeks from Saturday 17th February. As a result we will be moving to the Drama studio for Wednesday classes and using the Movement Studio for Saturday classes.

The first class affected by the hall changes will be Saturday 17th February and the final class in the smaller halls will be Wednesday 6th March. As with the last couple of exam periods we will be introducing a booking system during this period and restricting class sizes to 20 so that everyone can train safely in the smaller halls. We will also be changing class times on Wednesday's to create more capacity.

6:15pm - Students aged 12 and under only (45 minutes)

7pm - Family class, all ages and abilities (1 hour)

8pm - Family class, all ages and abilities (1 hour)

Details of how to book your space in classes can be found below. If you are on an unlimited classes/6 month membership we ask that you please limit yourself to 3 classes per week during this period to enable all other students opportunity to train.


Class Booking System

As we've done previously there will be a strict booking system in place during the exam period and class sizes will be restricted to 20 places so that everyone can train safely in the smaller halls.

- All students and leadership team members need to book their class places in advance.

- Assistant Instructors are not required to book in advance.

- Class places available to book are limited to 20 people, except for the Wednesday 7pm class which has an overflow session with an extra 10 spaces available.

- If you do not book a place in the class, and it is full, then you will not be allowed to attend the class.

- If you do not book a place in the class, but there are places available, you will be permitted to attend class, this will be on a first come, first served basis until the class is filled.

- If you book a place in a class but are unable to attend then you must cancel your booking before the class is due to start.

- Reminder emails will be sent 24 hours before a booking to give students plenty of time to cancel if needed.

- Failure to cancel a booking will result in a 7 day ban from attending class as you will have prevented other students from using your space.

To book a place in class:

- Log in to the Berkshire Martial Arts website or open the mobile app.

- Click the "Book a Class" option from the Student Area menu.

- Select whether you wish to book an "Under 12's" or "Family" class and complete the form.

- You will receive a confirmation email of your booking.

The student area makes booking places in classes easier than ever before. When booking classes a lot of details will already be completed for you on the booking form. You can also now select the number of people you are booking spaces for, so one person can book spaces for the whole household, rather than each individual having to book their own place in class. If you need to review your bookings you can do so by clicking the "My Bookings" option on the Student Area menu.


Women's Self Defence Class

The next women's self defence classes are:

- As per the email sent out the other day we unfortunately have had to cancel the women's self defence class for February.

- 9am, Sunday 31st March, Brakenhale School. Currently 12 places remaining. Click here to book!

These classes are open to all women regardless of whether or not they are a Berkshire Martial Arts student.


What's on?

If you have any upcoming events or activities you'd like to make Berkshire Martial Arts students aware of please email the details over to and we will add it to the next newsletter.


New Belt Ranks!

Congratulations to all the below students who successfully passed their latest grading and received their new belt ranks


Top Attendance!

Well done to the below students with the highest attendance last month.

Juniors - Under 13 years old

Seniors - Over 13 years old


Korean Terminology

The words for this months’ Korean terminology challenge can be found below. Little Ninja students need to learn these words in Korean and repeat them correctly to a Chief Instructor to receive a terminology stamp. Only one stamp per month. If you do not have a terminology sheet one can be found in the "documents & forms" section of the student portal. This month’s words are:

- Low Block

- Back Fist Strike

- Elbow Strike


This Month's Grading

This month's colour belt grading will be held on Sunday 25th February at Brakenhale School. Further details will be provided to eligible students the week before the grading . However, the day will run to the approximate schedule below:

9.30am - Black Belt Academy Class

10.30am-1pm - Colour Belt Grading(s)

All names below are eligible to grade this month and should have received an email confirming their eligibility. Please check your spam/junk folders if you have not received your email. To secure your place in the grading we must receive a completed grading registration form by Friday 16th February.

Grading Names

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