Please join us in welcoming the below students who have joined Berkshire Martial Arts in the past month!
Nathan Villegas
Gabriel Vechiato
Membership Review
We will be carrying out another membership review shortly, analysing student attendance compared to membership plans to make sure everyone is on the appropriate plan. You may receive an email from us if:
- You are currently paying for unlimited classes membership but not making full use of it
- You are on a one class per week membership but regularly attending multiple classes per week
- You are now aged 13+ but still on a junior membership
Picnic in the Park
This years picnic in the park will be taking place on Sunday 13th August, it's been a great day out in previous years so we hope to see many of you there.
It's a day of fun and games (football, rounders and much more!) in the park and a great chance to have some fun and spend time with your martial arts friends outside of the Dojang so bring a picnic, your favourite games and your friends and family! We will be providing some cold drinks but you may wish to bring your own food and drink too.
We are looking to kick the day off 10am until around 2pm but you're welcome to drop in and out when it suits.
This years picnic will once again be held at Great Hollands Recreation Ground where there are toilet facilities, a cafe, small park and even a splash pad. We hope to see as many of you there as possible.
Please note this event will be weather dependant and we may have to cancel if the weather doesn't look great nearer the time.

Instructor's Course
I am still working hard on putting together our upcoming instructor course. The course will be very comprehensive and is totally different from anything we have done before so unfortunately it is taking a little longer than I hoped to get up and running whilst still doing all the usual admin etc.
I know there are a few people who have expressed an interest in completing this course but it would be great to get an early indication of how many students are interested in becoming an Assistant Instructor. To that end please could I ask that anyone who is interested uses the form below to submit their name/email address and I will make sure you're the first to know if there are any updates.
The Instructor course will be open to all students aged 14+ regardless of belt rank but students who are 13 years old will be considered if they have BBA and/or Leadership team experience.
Once we are ready to launch the course any interested students will be invited to attend a meeting to get full details about the course before deciding if they wish to join the programme.
Women's Self Defence Class
The next women's self defence classes are:
- 9am, Sunday 27th August, Brakenhale School. 7 SPACES AVAILABLE. Click here to book!
- There will be no women's self defence class in September due to students grading for their black belts, so make sure to get yourself down to the August class if you can.
These classes are open to all women regardless of whether or not they are a Berkshire Martial Arts student.
What's on?
If you have any upcoming events, activities or fundraising you'd like to make Berkshire Martial Arts students aware of please email the details over to jason@berkshiremartialarts.co.uk and we will add it to the next newsletter.
Picnic in the Park!
Sunday 13th August (See above for details) Click here to RSVP!
New Belt Ranks!
Congratulations to all the below students who successfully passed their latest grading and received their new belt ranks
Top Attendance!
Well done to the below students with the highest attendance last month.
Juniors - Under 13 years old
Seniors - Over 13 years old
Little Ninja's Certificates
If you've completed a page in your Little Ninjas Stamp Book don't forget to visit the Little Ninjas section of the app/student area to request your certificate or click here!
Little Ninja's Korean Terminology
The words for this months’ Korean terminology challenge can be found below. Little Ninja students need to learn these words in Korean and repeat them correctly to a Chief Instructor to receive a terminology stamp. Only one stamp per month. If you do not have a terminology sheet one can be found in the "documents & forms" section of the app/student area. This month’s words are:
- Side Kick
- Reverse Swing Kick
- Begin
This Month's Grading
This month's colour belt grading will be held on Sunday 27th August at Brakenhale School. Further details will be provided to eligible students the week before the grading . However, the day will run to the approximate schedule below:
9am - Ladies Self Defence Class
10am - Black Belt Academy Class
11am-1pm - Colour Belt Grading(s)
All names below are eligible to grade this month and should have received an email confirming their eligibility. Please check your spam/junk folders if you have not received your email.
Grading Names