Please join us in welcoming the below students who have joined Berkshire Martial Arts in the past month!
Bodhi Bates
Aria Bates
Logan Bates
Tia Meades
Leg Protectors
Reminder that all students who are purple belt and above must own a pair of leg protectors. These should be used at all times when taking part in a drill that requires the use of protective equipment.
It was apparent on the latest grading day that many senior ranked students still do not own leg protection. Owning the correct protective equipment for your belt rank (hand protectives for yellow belt and above, leg protectives for purple belt and above) is a requirement to be able to grade and everyone must state on their grading registration form that they have the correct protective equipment.
Going forward anyone who does not own the correct protective equipment for their belt rank may find they are removed from the grading and no refund will be given.
All necessary equipment can be purchased through the club store: https://berkshire-martial-arts.myshopify.com/collections/protection
Small Hall Warning
This is advanced notice that we are expecting to be back in the small halls again from May until June due to exams taking place in the Sports Hall.
During this time we will be trialling a different system for getting people booked in for sessions which should be easier for students and will guarantee places in class. We will provide details of how this will work later in the month.
Women's Self Defence Class
The next women's self defence classes are:
- 9am, Sunday 28th April, Brakenhale School. Currently 7 places remaining. Click here to book!
- 9am, Sunday 26th May, Brakenhale School. Currently 11 places remaining. Click here to book!Â
These classes are open to all women regardless of whether or not they are a Berkshire Martial Arts student.
What's on?
If you have any upcoming events or activities you'd like to make Berkshire Martial Arts students aware of please email the details over to jason@berkshiremartialarts.co.uk and we will add it to the next newsletter.
New Belt Ranks!
Congratulations to all the below students who successfully passed their latest grading and received their new belt ranks
Top Attendance!
Well done to the below students with the highest attendance last month.
Juniors - Under 13 years old
Seniors - Over 13 years old
Korean Terminology
The words for this months’ Korean terminology challenge can be found below. Little Ninja students need to learn these words in Korean and repeat them correctly to a Chief Instructor to receive a terminology stamp. Only one stamp per month. If you do not have a terminology sheet one can be found in the "documents & forms" section of the student portal. This month’s words are:
- Pattern
- Bow
- Side Stance
This Month's Grading
This month's colour belt grading will be held on Sunday 28th April at Brakenhale School. Further details will be provided to eligible students the week before the grading. However, the day will run to the approximate schedule below:
9am - Women's Self Defence Class
10am - Black Belt Academy Class
11am-1pm - Colour Belt Grading(s)
All names below are eligible to grade this month and should have received an email confirming their eligibility. Please check your spam/junk folders if you have not received your email. To secure your place in the grading we must receive a completed grading registration form by Friday 19th April.
Grading Names